
From what I understand of the demo, it's the first couple of areas without any of the sidequests (haven't played it myself) - the game does open up and get better later, but if it made a very bad impression I'm not sure the full game will change enough to warrant a full price purchase for you.
I'd say give it a rental

The armor does look appropriately badass by the last tier, but you only get that in the last 10% of the game.
There's enough visual flair, I think - the Knight character gets dragon wings made from energy, a la Sacred 2, and the mage gets a belt early on with moving parts. The main problem is variety.
Maybe there are

I really liked this game, but a few things bear mentioning, as they may be deal-breakers for some.
The co-op works seamlessly, but the way it works is a bit limited. Only the host has his character, when you join his game you take up one of the three unused characters in his campaign. There's no way to take

The AI companion is not very useful, but it hardly matters - you don't need him at any point; the game's perfectly soloable on the default difficulty, and should be doable on harder ones. I imagine the dificulty scales once you have more players on your game.
So on a scale of 1 to 10, it kinda cops (co-ops?) out.

Actually, going from the write-up, it reminds me of Searching for the Wrong-eyed Jesus.
Sounds kind of similar, but using images in the same way the other one uses music.

It burns! It burns!

So is the fact that the game requires circle strafing/running back shooting in quite a few bits, but then gives you cluttered, enclosed levels. Or leaves you stuck with useless weapons after a checkpoint, with no way to double back and change them.
It's cut&pasted features from newer games, not understanding why those

That's just this game's version of humor, that guy. Someone makes a statement that could vaguely be construed as sexual, and then usually laughs like a maniac at it. It gets a bit surreal at times.

They gather around and play werewolf? Do they play Werewolf: the apocalypse or Werewolf: the… whatever the new edition is called?
If the first, then do they play 1st ed, 2nd ed, 2.5? Or maybe they play the LARP Version?
Pfft. These super-advanced humans turned out to be quite the nerds…

Right you are! I was trying to fit my memories with Wikipedia, and got severe cognitive dissonance…
Memory fail. Must be the old age

I - wha - how -
I can't make up my mind if this is either utterly brilliant trolling or ineffably sad honesty. I'll settle for infferly brad trollesty (coincidentally, it's also the name of one of Nic Cage's illegitimate sons.)
And I still think you're a robot.

It's so obviously trolling for controversy I just rolled my eyes and moved on. A whole level featuring mass tentacle rape - what a pathetic game.

I love, love, love the first two Sly Coopers. Bought the HD collection to play the third, got stuck playing through the first two again…

Dragon Age 2 was… really shit in that department. Choice there was really only smoke and mirrors; I'll raise that with a Witcher 2, which pretty much changes completely for its second and third acts, depending on which faction you side with. Alpha Protocol, for all its flaws, also excelled in that department.

No idea - but I imagine it gives the devs the freedom to plan the environment to work for their game, instead of fitting their gameplay to an existing layout… while still keeping the feel of any given city.

I'm trying to remember, didn't 4 do away with the planning sections where you would plan out the moves of your teams on the level's blueprints. complete with step checkpoints?
I spent hours upon hours with 3 and the previous games, but for some reason, 4 I can't recall as well as the others. Remember enjoying it, but

Got it pretty much for free as a trade-in (it's out in the UK already.)
And yeah, it's pretty fucking terrible. It's puerile, witless and unfunny (which, yeah, were pretty much a given; but listen, I know it's aimed at 12-year olds of all ages, but did it also need to feel like it was written by 12-year olds?)

I remember liking the first game a lot at the beginning - the powers, both for killing and traversal, felt pretty badass and fun to use, and the emergent battles kept things fresh. Plus, I'm a sucker for open-world games.
But around the halfway mark it pretty much lost me. For a lot of the reasons stated above, but

Oh, just make sure you give candy to all the children at the show. If they say they aren't supposed to speak with strangers, just tell them your name, and say you're not a stranger anymore - then laugh out loud. That'll help you fit in for sure!

The brother of a friend had a capuchin monkey. The poor thing was locked up in a bird cage - they wouldn't let it out because it tried to flee at any opportunity. It spent most of its time poking it's head out of an old old shoe, masturbating furiously.