Dread Cthulhu

Didn't the producers say that the caves were less interesting to shoot in because they were so dark, so they moved away from them in the interest of the show looking better? Kind of a shame they didn't realize that the caves would be less pretty to look at than the beach earlier

Gonna miss you on these reviews Todd, you've done great work on the first five eps. Lost really was excellent television when it was running hot

Those are editors, not reviewers! I can't tangibly appreciate their work!

Y'know Todd, cancelling Community just because you were leaving the AV Club was a real dick move

Goddamnit, Todd's leaving? He's not only my favorite reviewer, he's pretty much the last of the "old guard"

"I love you" means different things to different people, and maybe to Louie it isn't "the L-word," it's how he feels.

Can't wait to see Dr. Fetus on the big screen!

Yeah, it was weird that Pornstache had so little screentime. I suppose he's not exactly subtle, but he's fun to watch and I wanted to see him make more of an impact (or at least have a scene about him) before he was shitcanned

What the fuck does "mankissing" mean?

Weird that they wrapped up the arm plot that quickly, I was expecting that to stick. You tricked me again Adventure Time!

"Drunk and Hot Girls" killed my parents

But Graduation is obviously his worst album!

Robocop is the most batshit thing Kanye has ever done and I have no idea why people don't talk about it more

Weird that this supposedly came out shitty — you'd think Weiner's expertise would at least end up producing a stolidly watchable flick

2. Star Trek Into Darkness


I'm not arguing that it doesn't make sense given his and Pamela's toxic relationship and the mirroring with Amia, it's just the sheer contrast between the guy delivering the standup and the guy aggressively pursuing Pamela that sticks in my craw. Still think it was a good scene and a good episode, but it hit me with

Weird connection to make, but the gradual introduction of the hurricane in New York reminded me of The Sandman's A Game of You storyline. Pamela must have drawn down the moon offscreen

My only problem with the Pamela assault scene was that his character goes from a standup routine on how shitty men are to women — AKA, the real Louis CK — to a misplaced and aggressive come-on to Pamela. That is to say, that scene would be perfect on a show with a more consistently morally removed protagonist, but

We're goddamn lucky that the main character is genuinely hispanic. I wouldn't at all be surprised if Johnny Depp were in the lead doing a hammy accent or something