1. Pumpkin pie is delicious.
1. Pumpkin pie is delicious.
I’m so glad to read this because glitter is really, really bad. Thousands of years from now, they will be trying to figure out why we were constantly spraying ourselves and our children with a toxic dust that also clearly injured our pets, waterways and soil.
I’m not surprised that Lena Dunham decided to defend a rapist. Lena is just an asshole. I’m glad Asia Argento called her out on the bullshit.
I cannot help it, I find badly-drawn penises to be HILARIOUS. I saw this on Deadspin and laughed my ass off. Even more so when I thought of the pearl-clutchers trying to shield their kid’s eyes from the “naughty cloud”.
Given that the Navy is filled with sea men, the penis seems legit.
Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.
A lot of the points you make here contain validity in general (certainly in a dark alley or somewhere that a clear power imbalance exists) but I don’t think you’re painting the whole picture, or taking into clear account the situation depicted in this article. Power dynamics are real, and gender can and does often…
I was the same way man, not only was sex uncomfortable but the aftermath was UTI city. Sometimes even yeast infections.
Then I used those Lifestyles Skyn condoms and it was waaaaaay better. I mean, I still hate condoms but those made me hate my life FAR less.
Damn you are a manipulative bitch. according to this article
The region being Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Virginia
A few of my favorites (also not advice):
I agree with your assessment of this person in general but agree with Jane’s advice. If you are truly repentant and cheated once (not multiple times), don’t tell them. The cheater should feel guilty and like shit, but not dump shit feelings on another.
You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.
Counter-point: She lied, got caught and is now acting like a petulant teenager over it because she sucks.
Did someone say Richard Spencer?
Wait, why is UF obligated to provide him a platform? He can go stand on a street corner and shout from his soap box. The first amendment doesn’t owe you a microphone.
Hah. That was supposed to say “doesn’t want to hug you” but I got autocorrected and didn’t notice.
I’m fine with stone cold bitchery, but I gotta eat, which means I gotta have a job, which means I gotta swim with the current sometimes.
Also? As a woman?
I really hope the rest of these dudes are feeling pretty uncomfortable. Even if you’ve been getting away with something for decades, it can all come crashing down on you at any moment.
Public pressure can be a great thing.