I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.
I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.
Yes! Mine was bee-themed with black bottoms and a striped top that tied together at the sides. My dad had me convinced the style is called a “ French Bikini.”
Yeah, I saw that and thought, That looks like my friend Desi’s swimsuit in 1988. We were four. That style looks really cute on a little girl who isn’t worried about her tummy. I would not wear one today.
Clinic worker here. Same-day abortions aren’t common. The wait times in states that don’t have laws about them are usually for availability. Many (most) clinics don’t have an in-house Doc; instead the physicians come from other practices, and sometimes other states, to do abortion services on specific days. Also,…
thanks for introducing me to a new artist, bobby. before today, i didnt know beans about this perky amber coffman, and now i think i dig her.
I feel ya there. I always wince when someone makes a fat joke, and I’ve never been overweight. the OP MAY have been referring to her implants as heavyweight though? I don’t know.
never. i would never want to be a child again. #teamadult
Thank you.
Nice how people are taking this opportunity to shit on Minaj now. I mean, is it not possible to disagree that she is a serious fashion icon without veering into body shaming and other weird, hostile comments? I’m not even a fan and it’s uncomfortable.
I mean, she is Elizabeth Taylor levels of gorgeous; I wouldn’t necessarily say style pioneer but icon? Definitely a beauty icon, definitely a “zero fucks zero chill” icon. Anyone who asks why we care about her butt being fake in her own damn song about how drake and wayne want to fuck her is awesome, IMO. I mean,…
Seconded. Not sure why body shaming is so welcome on Jezebel. Doesn’t really make much sense in the context of the site’s greater messaging.
Why are we making fun of her body now?
Getting a raise to take it all. Still mourning juice boxes.
Koppel should hire Keegan Michael Key to be his anger translator.
Cherry Cricket is coming back! Tentatively April 11!
Viagra and prostate cancer.