
LOL at Father John Misty not being pretentious.

Alcohol and drugs? In music, you say? Well, I’ll be.

You’re an idiot.

So, instead of attacking you, I’m curious about your perspective. What I don’t understand is: why does it have to be one vs. the other? High-skill tradesmen make good money because their work requires both training and labor. High-skill software engineers make good money because their work requires both training and

I’m not sure you understand how society works.

You know who develops, designs, and creates the tools that plumbers, electricians, and shop techs use? Engineers and IT folks. Eat me.

If coding is so easy why don’t you do it

But can you manage the water filtration system for the city? How about the electrical grid? What about the cyber security keeping your bank account and medical records safe? Didn’t think so.

You don’t think coding is work? Fuck yourself and go back to the 19th century.

It’s not about the price of the gown but how she posted about it on Instagram- at a gala ball- while United States visa holders were being detained without food and medicine due to the policies her family had a direct hand in. Nobody would care about the stupid dress if she hadn’t posted about it at such a

Me! I was Hermione-ing my ass off up in that joint!

As a former figure skater, I generally cannot stand figure skating movies and hope that this one liberally uses body doubles instead of painful scenes of the actresses stiffly doing crossovers around the rink while we pretend they are Olympic athletes.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

DC’s best sign:

I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out

Burning down your neighbor’s store isn’t going to bother the guy in Trump Tower. He already doesn’t give a shit about either of you.

I saw one that said “We are all snowflakes. And winter is coming.” Loved it.

Saw this on Instagram: