
Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?

Ah ok, glad you guys can at least understand that. It’s too bad you can’t apply the same level of discernment when, say, deciding whether someone with no physical ties to a crime scene and no motive (except for the will of the devil, lol) is guilty of murder or not.

I thought Kirsten’s comment was sarcastic. Everyone knows John Lennon was a ginormous asshole.

I’m equally surprised that the son of John Lennon would turn out to be a cock.

I’m very surprised that the son of Yoko Ono would tweet something that makes no sense.

You realize that The Exorcist is widely understood to be fictional in the US, right? Was it marketed in Italy as a documentary or something?

Oh man, I have so many questions about Italy. When did y’all realize you had this demonic possession problem? And what steps, besides trying to imprison this particular demon, have you taken to eradicate it?

You’re not listening. The issue is not that she was interrogated, but the manner of it. And I’m still not saying anything about US police. I am not American.

Or Knox is innocent because the physical evidence proves Rudy Guede is the person who raped and murdered Meredith Kercher.

In other words, you’re not Italian and you don’t live in Italy.

Um, no? I’m not saying anything about America, nor am I generalising about Italy. I’m just answering the question as to why she came up with a name during the interrogation. You think that because she wasn’t water-boarded, it was fine? No, what happened to her at the police station wasn’t fine. There are right and

At that point she’d been interrogated for several days, often without a proper translator, and was exhausted to the point of not thinking straight. The police lied to her, and claimed to have evidence that didn’t exist, and then asked her to explain it. She tried to figure out a possible explanation and said, “maybe

Plz point out where I lectured you on the intricacies of the Italian judicial system. I’ll wait.

Well, really, it’s more that Guede’s DNA was everywhere and he confessed. In fact, they had to push him to say Knox was there because he kept saying he was alone.

So did you miss the comments from people who have lived in Italy and dealt with it first hand, or are you purposely ignoring them in your quest to be obstinate and holier-than-thou?

My point remains, this attitude of “don’t criticize unless you’re perfect” is dumb. Maybe you were born recently and missed the “Making a

Yeah, we can’t critically examine anything until we’re perfect! No more critiques from anyone until you are above reproach!

Lab flab.

This isn’t a farcical presidential race, Gabrielle. The media doesn’t have to pretend that both sides of the argument are legitimate/equal.

Yeah I mean I feel like this lady thought she’d get more intrigue by a click baity title. There’s nothing inherently feminist about abstinence, in fact I’d say if your motivation is based on a commandment from a patriarchal religion then there’s an argument to be made that it is not feminist at all. I really don’t