I’m fascinated by the idea that Monster Energy drinks are vegan.
I’m fascinated by the idea that Monster Energy drinks are vegan.
Ugh Emma Roberts
I’m not particularly attractive, but I “get away with” not wearing makeup by not giving a flying fuck.
As part of a lengthy parole, they should make him wear an ankle bracelet that senses the presence of women in his vicinity and broadcasts a warning. “I’m a rapist! Run away! I’m a rapist! Run away!” Then it delivers a dose of date rape drugs to him and he passes out wherever he might be. He must also carry a pack of…
Kanye new Deraliq line?
Antisocial personality disorder yes. But psychopathy is not a diagnosis in the DSM. https://psicovalero.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/dsm-v-…
Chuck Todd, who plays a reporter on tv
That’s what we were told years ago though. No means no and you have to say NO or it’s not rape.
It’s so consistant of how boys acted when I was in college fifteen years ago. I think it’s pretty consistant of how many boys still act. That sex is a conquest.
A gentle counterpoint: If you need more than ten minutes to poop, talk to your doctor or try to get on a schedule where you poop at home. Are you sure it’s really ten minutes? Like by the clock? Because that’s a long time.
When there’s only one toilet for a large captive audience (airplane, sushi restaurant) then the proper sequence of events is thus:
Hildabeast Clinton and the Vagenda of Manocide is probably my least favourite JK Rowling book.
Ok you know what, I can count the number of people on one hand that I’ve ever called a cunt in my entire life, it’s not a word I use lightly.
Yes, and they will show their subservience by immediately syncing their cycles to yours.
Totally. I paid my rent in flirty glances and bought groceries with a flash of cleavage. And the Gas Co. was happy to take a wink and a smile.
Beautiful and made me think of my beloved Mallory Ortberg:
This sounds like my worst nightmare. Here’s some gluten-free artwork you can at least enjoy.
Teens who get pregnant, rape and incest excepted, have already demonstrated poor judgment and immaturity.
The best part of “A League of Our Own” was watching the outtakes at the end, when the real old lady players still had more baseball chops than the Hollywood actresses they found to play them.
This was my main takeaway from this, honestly. Why is this issue more than three times the price? Does it come with Tom Hiddleston’s phone number?