The Dread & Fear of Kings


the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten

Counter-point: If Susan Sarandon’s endorsement on November 1st is something that could effect the way you choose to vote, you’re already a big part of the problem.

When ranking my worst sports moments not involving my own team(s), Ray Allen’s Game 6 three pointer vs the Spurs ranks at the very top, tied with Malcolm Butler’s INT.

Manfred might say it’s driving fans away. I call it baseball, and he can fuck right off. That whole chess match was thrilling as fuck.

Guys in their teens and twenties tend to want to have fun and drink and smoke, not considering the long-term health consequences. Most 21 year old going to a casino for the first time don’t realize how frequently gambling can ruin the lives of the gambler and his loved ones. Are you suggesting we ban those things too

I think what we have to do is alert all potential players of the inherent risk and allow them to make s decision of whether or not they wish to continue playing.

It was flagged for leading with the helmet.

Don’t ask how they got it in.

Who the hell runs victory formation out of shotgun?


Wow, that does sound scary. Can you cite specific examples of the FOP, Comey, and the military being “eager to participate in things such as rounding up demographic groups and kicking them out of the country”? I mean, I totally believe you and I’m sure that’s not hyperbole or anything. I just want to be totally sure.

Yep, because nobody ever has a costume, or effigy, or picture of a president they don’t like hanging from a noose. Unless the president is black.

Here to say using drugs and alcohol does not mean addiction.

Go on and fuck that chicken!

Are we sure, I mean really sure, he’s not actually on Philly’s roster?

I can’t think of a single thing Osweiler does better than Brian Hoyer other than being tall.

It’s clear that he’s better than the pile of crap the Texans fielded at QB last year

“we base those electoral college votes on states, rather than on population”

so, “is a cubs fan”