
Can’t blame the guy buffing the floor above someone who left flammable material out. Also, horrible local “claims contradicted” news people are horrible.

Corrupt union officials!? Is nothing sacred anymore...

This will definitely help the pro union camp and not change anyone’s minds about the UAW and auto mfgs.

Those disclaimers don’t automatically protect the car wash owner from liability. If there’s negligence, no amount of signs will protect him. You have a reasonable expectation that your vehicle is safe from a car wash unless there’s some crazy modifications on it.

In all honesty the guy is an idiot but he probably still should have looked into legal action. CYA disclaimers are as often as not legally toothless. the law generally decides what people are and are not responsible for. You can tell customers every day that you’re not responsible for fucking something up, but you

Whatever you do, don’t throw your hands in the air, shout “Wheeee,” and try to get people to lean left and right with you.

This shit is why I still slow down and I look most of the time that I have a green light. Yes you’re right, it’s your right of way, and the other guy is an asshole if they run the light, but being right doesn’t keep you from dealing with the consequences of several tons of metal slamming into you.

Media buzz leads to sales. Or at least that’s what the ad agencies sell everyone. Plus I just watched a 4 minute docu-ad about this and can’t make it through 10 seconds of most car ads.

Then as a scientist, you should recognize that silicon dioxide is sand. Or at least the primary component of sand. While 3 year olds around the world have proven that Si02 is not harmful if eaten, it still is not food.

Really though, as a scientist, I’ve learned not to judge an additive by its name. Just because you don’t know what it is doesn’t mean it isn’t ‘food.’

Welcome to the world of gun owners.

Bender Bending Rodriguez

What about gay nerds?

Musk and Zuckerberg naked? Nobody wins.

That’s only a 1JZ in your picture

And it looks like a sub 20K car.

Less likely to run out of federal tax credits because no one wants them.

True, but it’s a frumpy looking hatchback.

Damnit, and Bosch built my dishwasher too...what’s it up to that I don’t know about...