
Wow. With two of those low power motors it has almost the same horsepower as one high power Ducati.

. You just need somebody with a real tuning system to connect to your ECM and disable it.with the right software it's literally just reading the ECM clicking a checkbox and then writing the same thing back out.

Actually the article is somewhat misleading there. Every single one of those bikes that was hit is also stolen.

Im guessing you don't live where it snows.

If they did it correctly, there is no law broken.
The part alot of people are missing is that the GA residents dont own the car. A Montana LLC owns the car.
What this crackdown is doing is getting a list of suspected people... then shaking them down to make sure they are not breaking any laws. A shitty but legal thing

Actually alot of them are appreciating assets.

Thats actually BECAUSE of the old law they want to change.
As headlights moved forward in brightness and focus, the cars sold in the US have to meet some old specs. The OEMs put less effort into the compliance headlights here, and overall they suck because of it.
Let them run better lights, and you will get sharp

And thats good for everyone... Especially if you have a Tesla and want to mod it.

The catch is, its literally the company dime. as in far less than a dollar.

It’s silly to use cash everywhere now. And debit cards are nothing but horrible risk.

Just to stack on to that even more... Its not even in their control.
See, it used to be that you wrote your software.. XYZ. end of story.
Now, you dont start from scratch. Devs pull in packages of prewritten software. Frameworks, UI components, etc... they all have to be pulled in there before they even start. It

I don’t care about the sound we heard, everything is fine because the instruments say everything is fine. - India Pilot Training

Kinda. They put in a scaling for targets based on size. The result is the real reason why each generation of cars get bigger. The cars themselves HAVE to be larger to meet the rules.

The worst part is that it's not that difficult. to this day I do not understand why people have so much trouble parallel parking. You literally just have to watch one person do it to see how it's done and then you can do it if you can control a vehicle.... 

My daughter is getting swim lessons.

Except that 30% is not all from cars that are under the standards they’re loosening. Very little of it is. almost all of it is from ships. trains, and planes.
Then that other 60%??? almost all of it is from industries with little to no emissions control.
but.... lets fight over that 3% that is cars and maybe get it down

To extend this... I bought mine used for even less.
After carpayment, taxes and insurance, and electricity I save $200 a month compared to the $500-550 I was spending in gasoline.
The car has better throttle response than almost every other new car on the road, and around town its quick enough to merge/pass. The trunk

SO in otherwords, its exactly like the old leaf?
other than the infotainment screen going black, this is all how an old leaf works, going right back to 2010.
FYI the bump in the back with the cover is the hatch to pull the main battery fuse... that way the battery is disconnected and the car is safe to work on. since

false. The engine breathing has nothing to do with it being pushrod actuated. The RPM limits of both good overhead cam and good pushrod motors are based on the bottom end... we pretty much have the valvetrain sorted regardless of how fast you want to go.

Pretty much.. yes. Assuming you were willing to have the crank made.
In the case of the LS motors, you could simply change the crank and cam to a custom one. It would then run. To be better, it would need headers that crossed over and new intakes... you would want better rods for more rpm... but still, it could run.