
In the snow.

A better worded question would be why is the NTSB investigating emergency response to EV accidents?

Thats true..... if you had a really really really wide ratio transmission. lol

I was out with a friend that was doing well in life.. He was 18, self employed and had a brand new Electron Blue Corvette.
When he started hitting on the waitress, he asked her if she wanted to go for a ride in his car sometime.
“what kind of car do you have?”
Before he can reply I said “He has a blue hatchback.”


chazz michael michaels is figure skating! *boom*

I run it in my lawnmower in the summer. The compression is higher than stock and I can hear it pinging in the heat... pinging stopped if I put premium in, so I split the diff and just put 89 or 90 in it.

In the case of an ACTUAL new car, the factory may have painted over after the filter was put on, so its “glued” in place with the paint.

3rd gear... 2005 article... its 2018... 2018-2005=13.

13 = 20... must be that new math.

1st gear: “likely.”
Everything is likely... from their own numbers... and those numbers are based on what? other manufacturers... that do everything very differently.
This is alot like when everyone said spaceX cant do what they’re doing... because everyone else is hemorrhaging money without realizing it, and they are

For the record, my wagon has 8.7" of ground clearance... more than a Jeep Grand Cherokee at 8.6"... steeper approach and departure angle than the Jeep too..

But I do appreciate that the ultra high performance cars of today are not so easy to drive that any yahoo can mash the gas and look like a hero.

Maybe if you’re buying cheap crap.. sure.
But when you’re buying the exact same brandname items that you could get elsewhere, for less, then its not a bad idea.
Where else can I get Mobile1 for an oil change by the 5 quart jug for under $15? auto parts stores want $23-ish.
Then I can just walk across the store to get

so are they going to stick to the true CHAdeMO standard and allow low voltage charging for electric motorcycles? Or are they going to half-ass it like most of the other CHAdeMO chargers and just assume everyone is running 300+ volt cars?

more power is a byproduct of more efficiency.

I dont get why everyone expects it to be full of rednecks... its always full of families.. bring your kids out to see the monster trucks jump around. Kids love it. Parents are amused enough... and drunken rednecks generally dont show up.

depends on the car. Some larger V8s with heavy flywheels (think SUVs and Pickups) will mechanically overrev from the acceleration momentum past the rev limiters (spark and fuel cutoffs) and that can cause damage.
other vehicles dont care.
some others just were never intended to run near the redline, but the redline was

I feel you’re entitled to that opinion, even if I disagree with it.

based off that full clip.. one passenger out per flight would get everyone processed faster.

counterpoint.. corvette can brake later, and then rotate the car on the throttle. the two AWD cars would push if you tried that.

counterpoint... the 911 is mistaken for a 20 year old car, because they look identical.