
2nd truck would not fit past as the corner of the car was in his lane... he was going to go around him over the painted lines... then the car moved, and he panic braked. The trailer is heavy and pushed forward rotating his truck and jack-knifing him.

I would have agreed with you for most of my life, but having lived with a vehicle like this for the last year and a half, I now get it.
While you cant completely ignore the world, it is MUCH more relaxing on both long hauls and in stop and go. It really is nicer.
Does it replace my BRZ? no. but when used as intended, it

With those lack of miles.... im willing to bet the electric needle in the carb is stuck and the whole thing needs to be rebuilt so it wont leak.

I’m glad I don’t own a VW.


Parenting... You’re doing it right.

The last 20 years? like from 1998 to now?
yeah... thats because all 50 states have cars clean enough for that.
There is no longer a need for Cali to be split from the rest of the USA. They can comply and if they want to fight for stricter standards it will before stricter USA standards.. not special for their state.

nope. its completely acceptable.. in the same way that my lane keep on my subaru wont help me from driving off a cliff if a U-bend comes up... or how my cruise control wont stop for a redlight.
I am still driving the car. Even if I have tools to make it easier.

When I was younger and single I would completely agree with you.
Now that I am older, with a family and am doing well for myself, I buy my family car new.
Why? doesnt it cost me thousands? sure. Over the next 3 years it will cost me a few thousand extra. I dont care.
I wont have to change the oil, rotate the tires, etc.

The Internet is really really greaat... ____ ____
I got a fast connection, so I dont have to waait. ____ ____

Except in your last example, the steel was not inferior in the first place, and the cost increase is far far far more than $200.

I hope they dont try to make it some kind of half-EV hybrid.

My BRZ is fun. It would be more fun if I didnt floor it while doing a 10 count to get to merging speed on the onramp. Its fun to slide, but it would be more fun (and safer) if it was 100% power induced rather than having to toss the car in with commitment. Its fun to drive quickly on the interstate(and gets good mpg!)

I dont know what kind of BRZ owners you expect in here, but it is NOT fine, and the damn thing needs more powah!
—BRZ Series Blue owner

To expand on what Robot Face just said, and to throw my own stat in there,
depending on how you calculate the stats, 85 to 90-something percent of all motorcycle accidents, including both fatal and just injury, are by people with no formal motorcycle rider training.
Simply showing up for your first MSF course and paying

when the camaro hit the cars, it also rotated. Thats why you’re confused.

And now you know why you do a head check at EVERY INTERSECTION regardless of the other cars already going through it.

Star for both the right stats and also owning an outback. You would get double stars if you had the 3.6R

Thank you from the Department of Redundancy Department Thanking you.

Is this a joke?