
You think it’s strategic or profitable to let the whole of the USA sink into poverty and disrepair? One of the biggest economies we currently have? I doubt that. We, as a global economy are stronger if we have you guys with us. And that goes for every country. Global trade is not a zero sum game. No matter what Trump

I hate to break it to you, but Hitler didn’t have a lot of allies left by the end of the war, and it weren’t those allies who helped rebuild Germany. The Americans who are suffering now still have plenty of people who sympathize with them. If help is needed, help is given, just look at how many countries show up at

To be fair, it took Germany(and the rest of Europe) not one, but two global wars and a genocide to admit that they were handling shit badly. And we’re STILL in the process of coming to terms with the rest of our horrible past, like our colonialism and our role in slavery.

I’m not saying no per se. But it’ll take some earthshattering events to get the US to a point where they start making it a yes.

I agree with you that the US still feels like it’s on the ‘winning’ side of history (so much winning, aren’t you tired of winning?). I suppose that for your country it’s been easier to disassociate with the horrors from WW2. The Nazi’s were monsters and America was good people. The end.

Well, Germany was able to overcome some shit that went quite a bit further than what Mango Unchained has managed to enable (as of right now, anyway). So, I’d say yes, but it would require about 70 years of not fucking up in politics at the very least. Not to mention coming to terms with the

“We’re America, bitch!”

Lol, what’s the former Dutch queen doing in that picture next to the witch?

Oh no, I agree with you, like I said somewhere up-thread, the US doesn’t exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to keeping their promises, but nowadays it takes Trump less than 24 hours to tear them up (almost literally, apparently). It is of course correct that Trump also goes outside the norm in that he

Yes! This, basically, is why I’m afraid there’s really no endgame to this whole charade other than a full-on civil war. There’s going to come a day when Trump takes this whole thing too far (maybe by going full dictator, maybe just by doing something else outrageous enough) and while half the country simply cannot

I’m halfway hoping that this is what happens, if only because it’ll undermine the constant claims from the GOP and Trump that they’re the biggestest and greatestest country in thr world

Yes! Absolutely! I knew I was forgetting an important one! Thank you for reminding me what it was.

Again, not American. Will structurally take a big, big distance from claiming any sort of relation to that moron. However, I do think it’ll take more than an extra helping of bluster to the USA out of the G7.

Not to be pedantic, but I’m Dutch. Our prime minister has his moments, but he has yet to run a country into the ground. :P

Don’t we all...

You’re right, it does look like the rest of the world is starting to move on. I do wonder how these kinds of decisions will influence big corporations.

That’s a fair point. Though in the past at least back in the day they pretended to have a good reason to break contract and would occasionally stick to their word....

This is so fucking disgusting and so, so harmful to any and all diplomatic negotiations the US will have going forward. He completely half-assed the summit, came in late, made some ridiculous claims about wanting Russia to join again (because don’t it already look like you’re colluding, Donnie?), acted like a child

Aaand I finally figured out who Bannon reminds me of! It’s Lewis Prothero!

Soooo...how’s TES6 coming along, you think? Release date maybe 2023? Yeah, fuck that, Bethesda’s been delaying their decent games for far too long to stay in my good graces.