Well done, Germany! Age of the geek, baby.
Well done, Germany! Age of the geek, baby.
And there you have it kids: America doesn’t want you to be a citizen, it wants you to be a pawn. If you are not a part of the ‘nobility’, you better be ready to die for the ‘nobility’.
Scary innit? Makes the squabbles over healthcare in our Groot Waterland almost decadent. I mean, they’re not, we should keep improving but...yeah holy shit basically.
Ah, it wasn’t my intention to come off as condescending. So, my apologies for that.
My friend, I am an absolute supporter of getting more money into education, no child should have to fall behind because of a crowded classroom, and I think that if we put a fraction of the funds we use for warfare into initiaves for more teachers and special programs for children who sorely need it, we will be a…
The alternative being that you stuff their hate away in a box to never be looked at? I don’t know, but from what I’m gathering is that there’s been a lot of ‘ignoring the problem’ going on the past few years, and personally, I don’t really want to go back to that.
Imma gonna be generous and say he just has to sit in someone else’s golf cart for a mile...
The inhumanity of all it will never cease to surprise me...
Bingo! And what needs to not happen is this cop smashing through every form of proper conduct and take the baby for him and his wife. This feels like a severe conflict of interest.
That’s certainly true, but having said that, our own intelligence agencies, rightwing idiots and governments get to eat shit plenty of times as well. I’ll admit that we did remember Bush during the Obama years, but if there’d been a reasonable president in office now, I think we’d be more inclined to put America’s…
Are you kidding me? We fucking loved Obama in Europe. He was a well-spoken breath of fresh air that made it look like the USA was finally embracing some of the better ideas of the west.
One might even say they are using it as a .... Bargaining CHIP.
Not every country is, though? The steps they’ve been taking have been frequently in our news for the past few days. Just this morning they’ve been reporting that North Korea is considering sending the Moranbong band, which is apparently their equivalent of the Spice Girls. They perform in military costumes which is…
okay, so morbidly curious now: what does the fetishization of the Netherlands look like? Are there windmills and wooden shoes involved?
Dude, he left the Netherlands when he was three. His parents fucked off to Michigan because it was more profitable to do so at the time. There is seriously very little that makes him Dutch in any way.
Lol, when even the Lutherans are like “yeah, no, this is too much religious nonsense” you know you’ve arrived at some next level crazy
As I mentioned in another comment, I am deeply uncomfortable with these people calling themselves Dutch.
Where do they go to find spouses? Urk...?
Oh, I’m pretty sure the war on drugs worked exactly as designed. In that it was never meant to eradicate drug abuse and keep the population addiction free, it was designed to fill up privately owned prisons with POCs, giving slavery a 21th century update.