Dr. Dolph Lundgren

Her name's Christine.

I wouldn't give the Pearl Jam induction gig to a MONKEY ON A ROCK.

Prestige Film dates back to the golden era, general meaning a film used by major studios to gain prestige, usually starring major actors. La La Land is a much better example of a prestige picture than a movie about the coach from FNL being kept in a freezer.

Settled allegations seven years ago hardly qualifies as being under investigation.

Well Manchester By the Sea was hardly a prestigious film. Amazon studios? It was basically a wide release indie.

Or, instead of a conspiracy: Someone you don't like won something because that someone you don't like is good at what he does.

Forest Gump References? Hot damn, better get on the horn to Joey Buttafuco.

For me, on my FB, with the people I know, they are more upset (currently) about this alleged sexual offender than the one in the white house.

It's funnier when Norm says it.

I'd really really like to know how one's misdeeds mean they shouldn't win an Oscar. It's not like Casey Affleck is a cultural beacon of morality like Cosby was. It's not like he's president. He's Casey Affleck, a talented, yet scuzzy dude. An alleged offender won an Oscar. End of controversy.

I second this so much, as a Kansan living in a liberal western town. This idea that "If we don't want to live or vacation there, we don't want to care about the people there" is terrible. These states are forgotten by the national committees. Often times national party offices are no where to be seen. There's no

The popularization of Steve Goodman is one of the best things to have come out of this whole thing. No reason for AV Club to be a dick about one of our finest ever songwriters…

Also: HAWK Harrelson. Can't love a team that employs the Hawk. It's a rule. PUT IT ON THE BOOOOOOOOOARD.

I wouldn't give the Late Show to a MONKEY ON A ROCK!

Or when he sang Paradise with John Prine. It's a song that makes sense for both 'persona' Stephen and 'actual' Stephen to sing. Also it kinda ties into his original mimicking of O'Reilly- who claims to be some sort of musical mind.

In my mind Townes died way too young, but hell, he lived a lot longer than anybody (including Townes himself) thought he would. I'm not big on his cover versions of anything, but there ain't much sadder than his take on Dead Flowers. He was much more of a writer than performer, but he still had just enough presence to

It's a fairly common play. I've seen it work a handful of times. It's legal if the linemen are up on the line.

The play is called the "Swinging Gate". It is not an illegal formation inherently. The linemen were too far back. If they get up on the Line, it's legal. It's basically a screen pass. Sometimes the ball will be snapped by a longsnapper across the field,to a back waiting behind the line. This kind of football is a

I swear Big Bad Voodoo Daddy only existed as a mentioned guest on the Larry Sanders Show.

I was reading the Time Magazine on Colbert's new show the other day (at the dentists, of course) and it said Colbert looks like one would picture as a general "guy from TV" that 'guy' is Steve Martin in my mind.