
California closed off as a possibility to Don a while back. Now it's associated with Megan. Anna is dead. That won't happen.

Henry has his own children that he fathered by his first wife as well.

The Davidson sketch didn't work for me either. I don't think those things are healthy either way. There was a movie a while back with Kidman or Jolie or some woman playing a female Nazi prison guard that was involved with a teenager, and in that story it seemed like the male character wound up screwed up by it.

I don't know if I would call her a star. She is more of an actor than anyone they've had on the show, male or female. Probably why she quit Update. She really is an actor, not a comic. Sort of a unique approach to the show.
Wiig and Bill Murray were also good actors, though they were more comic than Strong.

Yeah. Maybe this show reflects young people's lives in the present day, but there just never seem to be any stakes to anything. People date, break up, have one night stands, live with exes, and none of it seems to matter. May be the way of the world for many today, but it makes for dull viewing.

Improv really only works the first time. Every time after that you're rehearsed.

Plus the fact that a guy following a girl to another town is such a beta move anyway. Horrible sign for their marriage. Will April dump Andy before Leslie dumps Ben?

Thanks, folks, we'll be seeing you soon.

I thought this was a great episode.

Since the fourth Graham was white, probably miracle baby, since miracle baby would be better odds than adopting a white baby that quickly.

Those cribs aren't really that hard to put together. If you are challenged by following directions, yes, but you don't need a master builder. I put one together and I'm no master builder.

But it's true to Kristina that she would not care, and they show her insincere consolement. One of the great things about the show.

I don't think the kiss was the only thing. Julia was having an emotional affair with Ed, that had been going on for a while before the kiss. They had different roles and neither knew how to handle themselves. They had some rough times with infertility, failed adoption with Zoe, Victor having problems and upsetting

The way they portrayed it, I don't think there was ever enough damage to their relationship to preclude a breakup, and they were both responsible people who kind of make sense together.

He makes more sense than that stupid award winning doctor.

But to Christina, only things that Christina cares about should be decided on emotion. Christina cared about the election and the school more than she cares the Luncheonette, so that's no place for emotion. When Christina cares, it's all about emotions. When she doesn't care, why should emotion be involved?

Hazel Court had a name that sounds like it belongs in a trailer park, but good grief, what a knockout.

From her description of the town, I'm pretty sure that she lived outside Hooterville and got her supplies at Sam Drucker's. With the Petticoat Junction girls and Eva Gabor, the babe content was rather high.

Except that his first wife was killed by Homer in a comically grotesque fashion, so the producers could justify firing the voice actress. Second one the voice actress died, so it's a little different.

I think some oaf the viewers need to take a step back. The show is doing character studies. You are not supposed to always identify with every character all the time.