Very good point.
Very good point.
The biggest deciding factor in this is the size of the phone itself, I think that's what Jobs was referring to. I agree that the current phone size is perfect. I still think they have plenty of space to make a 4" screen without increasing the size of the phone itself all the much, if any.
I think his point is what do you say about your "new" one once it's no longer the new one but it's also not an iPhone 4s? Example, you get the iPhone 5 (called "the new one") and then the iPhone 5s (or 6) comes out and you once again have to find a way to say you have the 5 because it is no longer "the new one".
Anyone used this app yet and have an opinion on it's usefulness?
Someone needs to translate that video and reproduce it in English foe those of us that can't understand Russian.
LOL no, that's not really what I meant. I was referring to a nice reusable pitcher, something like you get in the Britta water pitchers. Something that once you get home you pour milk (or any drink) into that has the RFID or NFC sensors in it to communicate back to a central hub the amount of that liquid you have left…
Or better yet get those tiny electronic scales that are built into the container with RFID. Either make it reusable or disposable (please make it reusable) and those RFIDs communicate with your fridge or a device outside the fridge that tracks it all. Or better yet, have a second container (like a Britta filter…
Very cool and one thing that caught my attention right away is that I have that exact same "tupperware" bowl he is using at the end. :D
You'll notice he has two parts where the upper section sits on the stand but only one spot where it's attached to that stand (the front part with the red strap). I don't understand why he wouldn't have put a second strap on the upper section at both points where it's sitting on the stand. this would have eliminated…
Not quite, their site specifically says "When an iPhone 4/4S breaks INSIDE of a cellhelmet, simply file a claim via 1-888-814-5968" (I did caps to emphasize the point)
Love it.
Agreed, come on Giz!
Where do you suggest features to Apple? They said in the video description but it's blank over at YouTube.
Wow, it's amazing how simple some things look when you see them yet I've never heard of this method. This is actually quite clever.
Nope, no explanation at all.
Seriously, what's with the "burglar-esq" gloves they are wearing? And wow, horrible graphics and what's with the audio at the end?
In Chrome, clicking on an album in the A's didn't do anything...
But as stated above, that was his gross revenue, not his net income.
I thought it was fairly clear. Maybe that's because I am using headphones though, not sure if you were maybe listening on speakers instead or what.