
Not sure about in Russia but here in the US you'd be laughed at if you tried to recycle a manhole rover since most of them are cast iron, not steal.

I agree with this hypothesis as well. That's what I see happening in the video too.

And if you're going to try to play it off as if you have a pair you might want to do a bit (and by that I mean a LOT) of touch-up work on that paint job.


This bring sup a funny story I often recall with my father (not that anyone really cares).

And not to mention Gmail has a file attachment limit of 25MB. I have Photoshop files that would dwarf that size limit.

No wolves in the Rocky Mountains (of Colorado at least). Now bobcats, mountain lions and bears, sure.

Yes but why would ANY European car manufacturer want to buy an American V6? I'm American and I wouldn't even want to buy one.

Give this a try (if you have an iOS device of course).

I would be all over that Char-Grill deal had it not been for them stealing a website design I presented to them as a freelancer about 8 years ago without paying me.

I think you are correct. I haven't had that problem with a speaker phone (PolyCom) in a meeting since before I had my iPhone 3G (that was a while ago).

Thank you Mythbusters for bringing light to that a few years ago.

The speaker issue is only certain carriers (i.e. AT&T) and only when the cell is sending/transmitting data over the voice band. Put your smartphone in airplane mode (it's called that for a reason) and it's no more an electronic transmitting device than the old school Game Boys.

As if the plane lurching, people panicking or a ton of other commotion wasn't enough? You really think you're going to be completely unaware of a problem if you have headphones on?

Tom Gonzales was the founder of Commerce One, Inc., one of the first e-commerce companies.

Apparently you're not the only one that thinks that way.

Lately I've been wanting to look further into how these solar lease deals work, does anyone really know? Supposedly you can get solar on your house and pay monthly less than what it would cost to pay your electric bill. Granted if you just paid outright for the panels you'd probably pay nothing for your electric bill

DVR, nuff said.
