
Yeah, sounds like you know exactly what you’re doing, and I think you have the right approach. (My stock stereo still sounds great, but not having even an input jack can be annoying.)  Though it’s really amusing when one of my younger friends gets in my car (like under age 27 or so) and has no idea what kind of

One of the guys he sent the nudes to?

Are you kidding me? The patience he showed waiting for the play to set up was fantastic. Then at just the right time with lightening quick precision, he made his move and just flicked it right onto Jozy’s foot.

Congratulations, Mr. Rosin and Mr. youngheart80, on COTD! I would like to gift you with an airplane which these lovely ladies will deliver soon. They’re going to have a blast.

Yeah dude, the rest of us are good with punching people for hate speech. You are free to say what you like, and I am free to break my foot off in your ass if it is sufficiently stupid and hateful.

You’re an idiot.

as an avid android user (and windows/linux) I can totally agree with that statement, if you want a phone that will just work go apple if you can. On the other hand if you like tweaking settings and having things EXACTLY how you like them then Apple’s environment is a toxic cesspool of frustration and disappointment. I

I call bullshit. There are many phones that ‘work’. The iPhone has become more than that. A status symbol of sorts, or a, I want that phone because all my friends have one product. It’s a well designed and built phone, with great software, but there are other phones just as capable out there that are not $1000.

Agreed (in addition to a bunch of other crazy ass laws like no wearing mixed fabric clothing, not mixing crops in your garden, etc.), but if Christians are actually practicing Christianity, Leviticus is no longer law since the New Testament post-Christ overwrote all Old Testament stuff.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Peyton was all-world his second to last season. Despite his diminished arm strength, his experience and football IQ overcame that. Until it didn’t. The end came fast.

That underwear is heinous. All the production values poured into that shot and my man is wearing a manky pair of tighty-whities? No excuse whatsoever. And no, no man has ever tried to worm his willy through the ridiculous little slot. We pull the waistband down and hook it under the convenient orb-weighted flappy sack

It’s just an ad of sorts: he says that most couples wait until the party is over and retreat to their suite to celebrate. Thank god they were already married, the full coverage of this wedding will soon be shown on his website. And that he’s already booked for the coming year, so that couples that are getting married

Matching pearl necklaces for them all.

oh, come on!

Her bridesmaids better watch out if she offers them wedding day facials.

I mean, McNabb didn’t get drafted because he was black, and he did deserve to be a starter in the NFL, but he was also very much overrated. But it was because he was on a good team. Like how Troy Aikman was overrated.

Just briefly reading the headline made me think he had died... and it made my day just a little brighter. Sadly, that was not the case.

The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. (said in 2003!)

At the most elemental level, this was wrong; McNabb played poorly over the first two weeks of 2003, but turned it around sufficiently to lead the Eagles to 12 wins and the NFC Championship game.

Alex Zanardi has just won double gold at the Paralympics, would that count?