
We always buy these in the fall from the local apple orchard, and every time we go to buy them my girlfriend says “Do you think we need that many? I don’t want them to go bad.” About 2 days later shes usually asking me if we can stop back by the orchard because we are out of doughnuts.

Yes, it is selfish among everything.

I can tell you first hand, they comfortably roll through small forests.

This is the car that I promised my girlfriend I would purchase for her one day. Except hers needs to be the GT because she’s going to need the parcel shelf for my groceries.

Well you’re half right.

I get the same feeling with this car. There is a pretty good amount of performance and fun to be had for not much investment, but at the cost of a new one, it’s still a Fiesta (and I have more refined tastes) and there are some other excellent performance toys (I would probably own it just to hammer on it). When I

That would be because the outcome is dictated by judges, not something less arbitrary like actual competing for clear cut victory and defeat.

This dealership is huge though. I mean literally thousands of cars at different lots around Orange County. In their hayday I would guess they had close to 300-400 Evo’s in stock or arriving at any given time. They could have easily just squirreled this one away.

Oh South Coast Mitsubishi. They moved a whole lot of Evo’s back in the day. When I was living in Newport Beach I used to have friends from the Chicagoland area and the East Coast come and stay on my couch for a few days while they were out there picking up their cars. That dealership was basically giving them away in

Have I ever mentioned how much I love S Fla?

I feel the same. The right of way and physics aren’t parallels.

It’s so funny because my dad swears by Rotella T. He gets people asking and snooping around the race trailer all the time wondering what oils and fluids he is using. He gets Amsoil and other factory branded lubes for free by the case. He always laughs because he uses the same motor oil for the generator as he does for

Anyone have a place they recommend for tips on cooking with stainless steel? I purchased a really nice set of stainless pots and pans a few years back for my girlfriend (who really enjoys cooking), but she seems to not like using them because she says too much stuff sticks to them. This article makes me think we just

No post has ever deserved more stars.


I only wish the absolute worst for him.

So I know there are a lot of times that we get stories and then there is no follow up and we have no idea what happened later unless we take it upon ourselves to look into it.

There’s your problem, the wheat bread is the real gem there.

Front end looks very Sesto Elemento.

Damn, this article is pretty fucking ignorant. I stopped halfway through, so please let me know if there was something redeeming at the end.