
Come on now. You can’t drink all day...

Listen people, we’re all busy, but for the love of crap, clean and vacuum the damn car before you take pictures to sell it.

Checks Gas bill.

We’re all friends here...

Relativity reliable non-turbo BMW engine. Rare six speed. Decent price.
The N52 is the last of the naturally aspirated BMW engines, sure the output isn’t as impressive as the turbo cars (even the 4 cyls make more) but its significantly more reliable. Not honda-reliable, but darn good by BMW standards.
I’m in at $5500. 

I think officer Wannabe Ricky Carmichael forgot that that a 2 stroke hits pretty hard when it gets on the pipe.

Thanks. Luckily it was just me in the car, relatively low speed. The car took it like a champ and was still driveable, which is more than i can say for the Highlander that hit me.

How did you pass a drivers test when you are quite obviously blind?

Wow, one is for sale 2nd hand!

I wonder where the other one they sold is.

Heck, even if the repair bills are the same, I’d rather have the v12!

Both of mine were front facing. You could do one front and one rear, but it will be pretty much impossible to get someone in the front passenger seat in front of the rear facing. It would probably also be difficult to get the rear facing kid strapped in.
But my kids fit behind me pretty well. for reference I’m 6'1" and

the V12 is twin turbo too.

That might actually be an improvement

I dig it, but its (obviously)not a real GTO at greater than real-GTO prices.  It clean, but not to the level you’d expect for your $30k.
The tri-power is pretty valuable, but beyond that there is nothing super special about this old mutt.


I’d buy an Eddie Braaaaptor

I feel like this should have been posted yesterday...

Also, I’d skip the the trac-loc, its garbage outside of mild trails. If you’re actually planning on going off road, It would be worth it to get a selectable locker installed in the rear after purchase. Or even just a good old fashioned detriot locker would be ok with all that wheelbase to tame its behavior. (anybody

I’m having an existential crisis trying to make the choice between manual trans or max tow rating. Towing my real jeep on my trailer along with my camping gear would put me right at the top if not past the tow rating of the stick.. And the Zf 8speed it and excellent trans.  But then maybe I’d never use my 72, and

Had 2 carseats in mine, can confirm that kids love it.