
the 6 speed ones seem not to depreciate that much, but they are all low mileage, and only 1 or 2 years old.

Kicker: Torch has to live in the back of the chevette during Doug’s ownership.

Makes sense. What is the point of owning a Bugatti if you can’t keep your Cristal chilled?

A kid in college swore his 99 cougar v6 had a turbo. Opened hood: no turbo.

What’s the deal with the uncredited Seinfeld reference?

All this shit happened last time I parked here...

Can it do a burnout?

Secchio pranzo

Just philly in general.

Question: Since it has been established that there are orders that a member of the armed forces are morally/legally obligated to disobey (crimes against humanity and such), would it behoove those personnel executing a nuclear launch to refuse to launch in a situation where there is no existential threat to the

I would have though being a rich litigious asshole would be a requirement, or at least a positive trait, for buying a Ferrari.

1) I was going to say the same thing.

Not just “sport”, “sportS” plural. Now that’s a versatile machine. Try that in your FX4.

This car gives me the bone-swells.

After the 3rd lawsuit, I realized that it wasn’t a request.

I was once at a car show, and there was a guy who had 2 Yugos all dolled up for racing. He proceeded to tell me that he had the fastest Yugo-engined Yugo in the US. I guess that’s a thing.

Not sure what the point of my comment was.

I’m assuming all those XJ parts were “knockdown kits” that were produced in the US and intended for assembly in the Philippines. Good old fashioned way to skirt import/export tariffs.

I’m going NP because I love obscure European military hardware, and because I’m not actually spending money.

because that’s what Lamborghini did before cars. And now the Tractor company and the car company are separate units owned by different companies.

Another $5k lower and I’s NP all day.