Camouflage? How do you find your bed?
Camouflage? How do you find your bed?
Laserblast FTW.
Which is more implausible - that Danerys & Co. would go out and parley like they did or that Cersei would not kill them all where they stood and finish the series two episodes early?
There’s the one by the Crypts across from the Duane Reade.
Those of you calling this an over-reaction? The only way that’s even a possibility is if there was another DM seconds after the 3:55 one to the effect of “OMG please disregard that it was not for you ohshit ohshit”
Can’t we just fly John Bolton and anyone else who wants to go to war with Iran over to Tehran and let them all ‘settle this like men’ ??
You did notice the lack of shall we say ‘color’ in his picture?
Yes, it could be worse. It could be Miller/Lite/Coors/Coors Light/etc. bubbling out of the sewers.
Shoot the horse, fire the jockey, and nuke Louisville from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
I hate to be THAT guy, but...
Vaccinate yourself and your children, you jokers.
Proof that self-driving cars will NEVER replace humans here. An actual driver would very seldom allow bicyclists to pass in front of them like that (at least not without laying on the horn and copious amounts of middle finger/obscenities). Most people are too self-important, and bikes are child’s toys, right? …
a child’s toy
The issue is that she felt entitled...
I’d much rather be ignorant than stupid.
How exactly are rules prohibiting rentals less than 30 days, or six months and a day pertinent to “health and safety”?
I am unfamiliar with the Bob Dylan song about Mary and the angel Gabriel.
Batter dipped fried mushrooms (lots of them).
You’re not being pedantic, Jalop needs clicks too.
The demonstrators framed the Chick-fil-A-in-airports question as one of religious liberty and respect for Christian values.