Dr. Cornelius Evazan

While that’s all well and good for the majority of the people who will buy these, many of you readers will be disappointed to hear that the manual transmission option is gone for good (because only 3 percent of buyers optioned it, you losers!), leaving the CVT automatic as the only choice.

Actual cytotechnologist here (the person that actually works in the lab and does the microscope work on pap smears).

For the other diagnoses, ASCUS usully leads to more frequent follow up and/or HPV testing, while ASC-H and AGC/AGUS leads to colposcopy/biopsy and then the aforementioned tissue removal procedures if needed.

Well, this is only true for those who actually make it to the married part. I can’t even get to the “find someone willing to reply to my messages” part...

*high five* for a fellow praise band bassist!