
Man that post just screams “How do you do, fellow Hyruleans?”

Alas, when then-Gawker Media made the switch to Kinja, they were like “Go ahead, use a burner, it’ll be fine! This will in no way impede your ability to claim your A.V. Club Disqus name years down the road.” (I am paraphrasing).

Your mom's hardcore

I would go with Ottolenghi's "Jerusalem" over Plenty, but I see the case for your choice too!

Some of them are kinda creepy.
"There Will Be Blood… There Will Be Blood…"

Well, what should we be afraid of?

We just heard this place existeeeed!

I didn't take you for a Trump supporter!

They won't understand it. Too many vowels.

That reminds me, I need to re-watch Brassed Off. Let me just make a voice memo.

Yes! I now know what those things are. And yes, it is based on the same phenomenon!

When he left Bill behind, I had this brief moment of hope that the dead folks were not actually dead, just put in some kind of crude suspension in order to stop their use of oxygen. The more I think about it, the less sense that makes in light of the rest of the episode, but it seemed clever at the time!

There's also echoes of the way mining companies and such used to pay their employees in "scrip" that were only redeemable at the company store. Essentially it's like working at Disney and being paid in Disney Dollars. It makes you completely dependent on the company and unable to leave if you quit.

Do we know what the next big mistake humanity makes is? Was it becoming the Toclafane? If so, that's another point in favor of the incoming re-emergence of the Master.

Frank Welker and Peter Cullen are, I think.

Oh, MR. Welch!

Wait that's not the Simpsons gif I was expecting… upvote retracted!

I mean there is a court-order to watch it.

Santos L. Halper?!

Gotta beat those rich snobs from the fat kids camp!