Thanks for the clarification. Noted.
Thanks for the clarification. Noted.
Cool story bro
THANKS dude !!
I could give a shit about tiger woods, but if you spent every day working to fight a devastating public health crisis destroying families you may not think it’s that funny either.
Karma’s a bitch. Hope you never need multiple surgeries and long term pain control. It’s easy to make jokes from your high horse. There’s no excuse for what he did but to joke about a public health epidemic, well like I said, karma bro.
Not funny, go back to reddit
This brings back all the memories of “You’re more white than you are black” growing up. I wish it hadnt taken me so long to figure out what they were really saying is “You speak well and dont wear your pants below your ass- thats how REAL black people are.”
This article makes the point a bit more eloquently than I did
Just a couple things. Just because you vote one way or “love Obama “ has zero to do with whether you are racist or not.That is a wildly ignorant line of thinking. Second, unless you are a minority, probably better not to question other people’s perception of whether or not a place has racial issues. Between the south,…
Indeed, and even Connecticut is only technically New England.
No shade intended but why do you guys never use the appropriate state abbreviations? Ala? Mass? Just curious if there’s a reason.
To be fair, she is a hero in that she shut Dr. Phils ass down. She spoke truth to that disgusting, exploitative, scumbag in a way I havent seen anyone else do. Say what you will about her, but you can never take that away.
Argghhh I have a subjective opinion, why doesnt everyone agree!?!? Mad becuase no leaping hood ornament bro? Sleek like that?
This sucks but it’s hard to get too upset about it. This guy owns the building and renovating and raising rents is his prerogative. One thing that does scream bullshit is the idea of crowds gathering. The Fort Greene Biggie mural is was more visible and, subjectively of course, more photogenic. There are NOT crowds…
Ive got one too. Well, not me exactly me, but my wife. Many years ago she was in the airport with her sister when pharrell just randomly came up and said excuse me, then sang to her, “you’re beautifullll I just want you to know” Then just smiled and walked away.
Boston is geographically so small its hard to call it particularly segregated. Obviously its a long shot from NYC, but Chicago, that is a segregated city. I live in Boston and used to live in Chicago. Until Cabrini Green was torn down there were at lease some black people in the downtown area. Now, not so much. …
Hmmm, I guess. Maybe my woke power isnt as high as I thought it was.
Dont get Mardi Gras mixed up in all of this. It is much more than just some frat holiday.
And boom goes the chances of a good recruit ever going to AFA again.
Going to UA website is jarring. Its like they are peddling the shittiest product you can come up with. Their clothing looks like its straight out of Walmart (no judgments here just not gonna catch Nike that way), the shoes look like they are from the 90's (except worse), and they slap that fucking logo all over…