
Can you tell us what you think about Beats? How about Apple. You seem so authoritative. Im feel so lucky to be able to ask someone whose got it all figured out. Can I eat Fuji apples or are those just expensive rip offs that a Granny Smith can replicate if you take a little bit of sugar with it. It must me amazing

Yup, classic story.

Very true. TV and movies have conditioned us to think that getting punched in the face is no big deal. How many times have you seen people just trading shots to the face. Well the reality is a whole lot different. Getting punched in the face will fuck you up, and maybe kill you, like you said. Its crazy how much

Gotta say, that was awesome! Also, they know all the words by heart, he must do this all the time.

Ugh, this is why we lost. Assholes on all sides.

If you are trying to tell me that you’ve never gotten out of your car while it’s running you are full of shit. Also if you haven’t used one of these things don’t comment, they absolutely lend themselves to being left in gear.

Gotta say, Ive got no time for this bullshit. Rose’ from a 40 = blackface lite.

Yeah, sorry, back off Brady.

Except that Khaled is a massively successful producer and entrepreneur and has been for the past 10 years.

I think there is a difference between making a decision that proved to be wrong vs drumming up support to invade and occupy a sovereign nation based on lies. Im honestly not sure about whether it was a mistake to pull out when we did, who knows what could have happened if we stayed, but Im willing to accept that it

Im not sure where I said that, but sure, whatever fits your narrative. And if you really want to get all technical, ISIS originally consisted largely of ex-Bathe military folks who got pushed out of the new Iraq power structure by guess who.

How is it that people are forgetting that under his presidency, Bush lead us into a war on false pretense that lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Trump has done nothing even close to anything as bad. I dont like him as much as the next person but jesus, can we have some perspective? We vilify

Trump has not lead us into a war that has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. George W Bush did. Im sorry but until that happens, dead kids > annoying cartoon idiot who may or may not lead us to the same place.

You really dont need to be sorry about anything, and Im not sure why you think Im angry or need taking care of. I think Ive presented a very reasonable and articulate criticism to what was I think was a very insensitive comment. I concede that you may not be as bad as Trump.

She is much more than an asshole. This is why I take issue with both what you said and the flippant way in which you said it. What you describe in your post above is a complete non sequitur. That is NOT what happened here. Instead, by extrapolating this out to other situations where women may have actually been

How do you not know. Of course there should be. I feel like Im taking cray pills even writing this. Do you know how this USUALLY goes? Something like this, they find some blacks and send them to jail. So yeah Im pretty fucking sure there should be legal consequences. What is wring with you that you think there is a

Something about how she is looking down and away from the camera just makes me so irrationally angry. Im not sure if its the fact that she is trying to look coy or like a scared little girl, or that whoever was taking the picture didnt make her look in the fucking camera like an adult.

Umm, also black people suffer more as well because the damage can not be undone.

I wonder if thats the case. Who really watches the junk on Velocity. I suspect nobody will watch and the show will just go away. Hopefully in a few years we are celebrating the return of true WD on youtube.

This really sucks. This show was so unique, much owed to Edd. It’s really hard to imagine watching now.