
My husband wanted another 4Runner to replace his 2005, but Tom McParland recommended the Passport instead. We got $4k off MSRP in October while the 4Runner was selling at MSRP or higher, and that’s IF you could find one that you wanted. We didn’t want the new 4Runner with all the Tacoma problems and the 2025 gets

My dad got what was likely altitude sickness in Kenya at the end of our trip there. He was tired, vomiting and had a headache and was too sick to go on safari that day. A doctor was called to the resort who did an exam and full blood panel. The total? Under $100. We did have travel medical insurance just in case, but

I have to go to client's homes (by appointment that they've scheduled) for work and this is why I always call and confirm which house is theirs if it's not clearly marked. I've had enough guys get squirrelly even though my car is marked AND they called ME to schedule! Too many paranoid gun owners who apparently think

We got $4k off a ‘25 Passport Black Edition in October. Despite pre-negotiating the price and only having to deal with the trade in it still took HOURS to complete the deal. We arrived about 4 and left well after closing at 7:30 because they just had one finance guy to run you through the 20 minute hurdle of add-on

When I lived in Cobb County, GA it was full of people who just wanted to keep up with the Joneses to a ridiculous degree. I knew a woman who traded in her perfectly fine sedan and bought a 10 year old Lexus SUV because she HAD to have one like all the other blonde ladies at Costco. I've never seen social climbing from

Someone did a study of bulldog owners and their impressions of how healthy their dogs were. The owners rated the dogs overall as really healthy, but when their vet records were reviewed they were making a LOT of visits for a whole list of health problems. Honestly I'm surprised when I see one live past 10, but these

My mom was just complaining today about Ford discontinuing their beloved Taurus (they even had two of the fish eyed ones) and replacing it with a "giant wannabe luxury sedan that felt like driving a boat." 

TIL that Ram is its own brand now. 

Same here. I called TireRack about getting steelies for my Mustang and they literally laughed at me. I ended up buying whatever the cheapest wheels they had and a set of Blizzaks. Pretty easy for me to change alone when my landlord wasn't yelling about "car repairs" not being allowed in the parking lot (fixing a

I was a mobile horse vet for years. There was an emergency at a local show site with an out of state horse so they called me to attend. I was 2 hours away and suggested calling someone closer, but they insisted I come ASAP. I received no fewer than six calls during that time by four different people who were shocked I

They lost me by ditching the V6. When I bought mine in 2014 I couldn't afford the GT, but the six cylinder is a blast to drive, takes regular gas, has 305 HP and decent gas mileage. I wouldn't be caught dead in the 4 cylinder with fake engine noises. When it comes to replacing mine I'm probably going to do a lot more

Let’s see...I had a service advisor at a Ford dealership try to blame me for my Focus’ transmission blowing up on the highway at 32k miles. He smirked and asked what I did to it. I don’t know, drove like a normal human being at 70 mph on the turnpike in my automatic car until it tried to kill me suddenly? They rebuilt

I was surprised the 4Runner wasn’t on there. We were shopping for one recently and prices were HIGH, even used. Ended up buying a ‘25 Passport.

My local driver’s license center has someone at the door the check your documents so you don’t wait in line for hours for no reason. Except sometimes they don’t do their job and tell you that you have everything when you need a very important piece of paperwork for a name change when you have a Real ID so you stand in