
He was raised by women so he knows how to speak to older females.

What’s wrong with you?



I doubt it is a reboot

Unless you make a big fuss about getting a headstone with spider-man Disney does not give a fuck...


This this this!!

This reeks of Nintendo 

Both affleck brothers have done some type of rehab while Casey unlike his brother has been able to remain sober. The man has been nominated for an academy award several times and has done multiple films where he has stared  as the lead since winning the Oscar. Casey affleck outside the ocean films and gone baby

I would the actual paperwork filed from the lawsuit should bring some perspective to what happened. Along with that Casey was by his own admission having substance abuse issues at the time and going through a breakdown of his marriage. The articles written about the lawsuit were biased and many included false

This whole time I am like why hasn’t anyone interviewed Casey?

Why because he did the same things Robert Downey jr. Did but instead of going to jail he got sued?

And they have been fired

So, you know he did not rape anyone? And he basically took the fall for the production crew, the production company, and Phoenix. At the time Casey was having substance abuse issues and did drunkenly climb into bed with one of the women named in the lawsuit and fall asleep but, that was the extent of his ill behavior

Read the lawsuit against him and I hope you never watch another Joaquin Phoenix film again.

The same reason joaquin Phoenix does...

Yup! Also I HATE KINJA!! 

It’s not very hard to follow they r basically doing a reverse house of M storyline...

I don’t think we will ever get the 80’s/90’s Mickey Mouse club because the music rights Are bananas