
Well, the reviews are rolling in and all besides Beth’s are glowing.  So, as usual I will take hers with a grain of salt.  Also most new cartoons done in the calarts style, flash, etc... may have great storylines but, are terribly animated and deserve to be made fun of.

It comes down to who owns the images.  In America it’s his art and the models consented to the photographs.  Everything about him is terrible. 

Nope streaming rights

They are a delight.  hammer got hit by a car several years back making work extra hard on him.

I am not sure where the rumor started he was pro trump started he has only donated to the Democratic Party over the years.  I just think he is kinda socially stupid. 

I believe one of the biggest issues at the moment is that Hulu has the streaming rights and at&t is not super keen on giving out money to shows they don’t outright own see the outsider...

He was age appropriate and basically a good dude before you know the other weird government stuff went down

I am not sure if it’s because many of these actors are from broadway, but the scene chewing and awe shucks style of dramatics has begun to grate on my entire being....

She is part of the amphibian species of Star Wars lore probably a zarian though it hasn’t been confirmed yet. These types eat other sentient species as seen in the canonical comics, clone Wars, etc...

As an older millennial who has worked in children and teen production/design and advertising it was never 2000. I’ve been getting this drilled in my head since designing edible product lines for Jessica Simpson in the early 2000’s.

There are like 50+ eggs in there she is good...


She laid like 100 of them not expecting all of them to make it.  It was not the end of her species but the end of her ancestral line.  She was also doing a pretty shit job of taking care of these eggs.  

This! Some viewers’ reactions to this episode were over the top. One, toddlers are terrible little sh*ts none of these people have been around small children before. Also our morals do not apply to space wizards and aliens from distant realms.  This is very American centric thinking that we apply to foreign nations

If these are recent grads then they are gen z. which is alluded to in the show. Gen z starts at 1997. They are 23 and have started to graduate college already....

But, he probably heard his father speak like that before.  My parents tended to repeat the same things they didn’t like about certain groups of people over and over again if was in the room or not.

Laser facial nothing major. I have had it done. He was a swimmer like me and a lifeguard it totally erases years of sun damage that he most definitely had. 

I think what’s lacking is that Chris rock is not the best dramatic actor... he can’t pull a Jim Carey... it’s empty and it effects the whole feel of the season. Also the shooting was cut short by the pandemic and Noah felt a could Frankenstein an episode or two together to finish this year and it shows.

I just want more Timothy Olyphant On my screens... all the screens all the time!!
