
Yeah, I have honestly always been confused about the situation. I was under the understanding he had consent...

Twitter is freaking out like anyone actually watched it... I couldn’t make it past four episodes

You mean Nickelodeon...

This is an actual phrase referencing height there is nothing racist about it.

Uh, western people made up the term spirit animal all it means is the animal, person, place or thing that represents you the best accurately and maybe mystically...lots of different indigenous tribes have many words for things for like spirit helpers and such across multiple belief systems...

I was so weirded out by this review...

Uh, when show me now!!!! I am in my late 30’s and I am pretty sure you are hallucinating this.

I believe he has as of now.  Seeing what it has done to his life and career.

Only one of heard’s friends said he was and now will no longer testify.  All of her previous lawyers have quit along with her staff.  She has screwed herself into a corner. 

Pretty sure she is just being normal and holding hands with her friend people need to calm down

That’s what I find so odd about all the anger lodged at this cover Simone is dark all these people seem to want to lighten her skin and photoshop her to death...

CW/Warner TV/Netflix contract wasn’t renewed Sabrina is produced by Warner Bros. Television it had nothing to do with ratings they already filmed these episodes almost a year ago. 

I have no idea what happened with Katey Keene other than the casting of Lucy Hale which was a huge misstep and premiering midseason instead of going direct to HBOMAX which was originally discussed when it was first in development....

The show’s creators and the network at the beginning of the season decided it would be its last due to declining ratings and the main characters’ ages... the lawsuit happened later and because it was brought against an actual child who knows what we should believe 

This was more studio execs doing. Cordelia was supposed to be Black (she was written as such in the original script) but the studio heads said no way josé... there are plenty of other examples of meddling from higher ups...

thank you! I always felt like I  always thing a different show than everyone else... also it was obviously becoming a serially killer origin story 

it was one guy nobody heard of and nobody has heard from since!

that was the point! Lisa thinks she is all that and a bag of chips...

honestly they have been getting significantly better these last two and a half seasons...

don’t you you dare in nj! don’t you dare!