
or you go to school for industrial design. take metallurgy, sculpture, etc. classes from a young age and create pieces of oversized chunky plastic garbage for a moderately priced workwear brand that are meant to be lost explicitly between happy hour and falling asleep on the q train....

isn’t this just a mask?


believe the character of Shiv is based more on Elisabeth Murdoch? though all the Roys are more of an amalgam of all the world’s rich and powerful families than just zeroing in on the trumps.

he knows this will be overturned...

in 1990 when I was a mere 7 years of age I demanded to be downtown Julie brown for Halloween. I had my mother make me an elaborate tutu, club mtv t-shirt, giant bow, fake microphone, etc... not once did it cross mine or my mother’s minds to pain my skin brown like Julie’s (to be clear I am a French sephardic jew so I

I am sorry, why is the all around negative takeaway from Lucy in the Sky which is only very loosely based on the nowak story that Natalie didn’t wear diapers? this is what makes it a bad film? I am beyond confused....there are not one but two avclub articles that harp on this premise alone not to mention the

as of now it is on hulu along with the Simpsons 

people seem to forget we all used to memorize full on phonebooks about 20 years back

Phooey was from 2 episodes back when one of the boys was trying to prove the existence of another brother.... but it was just a mustard stain in a photo

yes, it is a day camp... 

my parents did. I went to camp for the entire summer at 6...

I went to a camp like this almost 20 years ago at l.i.m. in New York that was a month long...

no they were not her sons....

thank you!

I know if you have hulu, Disney+ will be offered as an add-on so I think if you purchase the package that way you can kind of force the issue through 

that’s hat he really looks like...

I am still salty as hell about deadly class

thank you! (we don’t go banning cars as soon as someone dies in traffic accident)

I think you are on the right track but he changes his clothes subtly...