
I am not guessing...

omg neither why is she being so weird it was gene hackman it was all up in the tabloids at the time 

it was gene hackman I am old and I remember 

it was gene hackman known asshat 

I just never understood why her team never came out swinging with an insanity defense?

where do you live and are you not a women? 

nah they are friends

I also think he is joking at this point....

I feel like it is a throw away gag here to due the film’s plot...

she does have bangs....

it’s like a flat ALLY SHEEDY... 

going to call you out about robin’s hair... one of my best friends growing up had the exact same style hair during the mid to late 80's her mother worked for Paul Mitchel so it may have been ahead of the curve for Indiana and jokes about it now call it the Jodie foster off-duty look....

the writers just named the teen time traveler switch as a little fanservice type of easter-egg, correct? since syd has been the mutant with the equivalent of the comic switch’s powers the whole time? this girl kinda feels more like a sway/magik....

I mean the lack of inclusion in their all around media's to do with CHINA!!!!! FYI 

I have always felt pretty bad for him... legit his family sucks

syfy needs to stop picking up properties they don’t own the streaming rights to this show had higher viewership than krypton ... or creators have to stop pitching to them....this is some nonsense already 

oh hiiiiiii tan....

Carson > Tan

very popular opinion:

you shut your mouth