
Dude is waaaaay waaaay waaay more together than Ben assfuck... is not a heavy drinker or drug user just stop you have no idea what you are talking about

Creatures of comfort I think

shue just finished up two major motion pictures she is fiiiiiine...
not even sure why machio is doing this since he is a player on a pretty big hbo production or is he heading into franco territory 

no, it is the exact opposite of what you are saying...
they planned to name him next season...

sooooo doooo i...
and that’s your take...
someone who i felt wronged me will definitely have an impact on my life five years later no matter where i may be in the country. i can certainly see that you are a male and have no idea how addiction and mental health works...
have fun making friends...

This reviewer is horrible! It’s his first job on the avclub and instead of saying sorry I guess I was wrong especially to you younger viewers who totally would not know who BTK was...he sticks the knife in again! And doubles down on that he was totally right in his actions! I honestly hope it’s his last time

Andy Warhol was a piece of shit who killed Edie Sedgwick...

Yeah I am trying to figure out how fox can use the strucker twins as marvel has the rights to all the other stuckers

people are christian without being evangelical...
every single church he has belonged to has been unitarian...
i think the hunting, fishing, thing, etc... thrown in with being nice is what made people think he might be an evangelical...naaah he is just from Washington State...
(i am not even christian, i am a jew...i

i replied to the wrong comment before:

it is not that they are weird looking or more invasive than phones it is just that they shouldn’t be more than $45...
the same technology is used in toys that cost less...
they really missed the mark with this one teens have disposable income and would have “snapped” these up in a heartbeat if they hovered around the

make them $45 and this wouldn’t be an issue...

he isn’t a hardcore evangelical? he goes to the same church as kim kardashian pleeeease...

so, it seems i was right ad it is farris and not chris...
i have a weird feeling he won’t get married again for a real real long time

The Louds!


Ava is a great documentarian and producer but not a all that as a director...

she also has a failing career and has messed up a handful of jobs as of recent so you never know...

even judd apatow couldn’t help her...

IT was in the comics

OR the black hood from the comics?