
She is too old for Harley seriously enough! They already made Ivey a little too old already

Barbra was too old old for Harley!


i will never understand how glitterati never got made?

he should have been major post rules of attraction…
that movie is amazing

don't diss on the creep it was done well in rules of attraction…

she was lying ya dummy

there was never going to be any real answer that was the whole point

No its. Or it's actually good….
This reviewer has reading comprehension issues…check his other articles I thought I was insane…

Thank you! I came here to say the same thing…
this reviewer is the wooorrrrrst at "reading comprehension" or so I have noticed…I will definately watch the whole season but I doubt I will return to his reviews….

As I said the vinyl sucked even if the first episode was passable

Vinyl made a murder the main story instead of the music and let Bobby C. I am not looking up how to spell his name chew through the scenery without abandon! It was nuts! And painful to watch! He literally gave me a headache…

I hate crashing with the exception of the Artie lang episode…

It is actually great Erik hated vinyl and thus hates this and probably hates what happens in the pilot to a famous actor he wants to bone or something and has a stick up his butt about it…
Leo is Fantastic!

Everyone is smoking all the time on this show…this reviewer is still hung up on vinyl the this first episode was great! Leo is amazing! I am not sure what Erik stuck up his butt!

The pilot was good this guy is smoking crack

????? I get it vinyl was bad… but I watched the first episode of this show and liked it…
Seriously let it go already!

That's the building itself…the acquiring of art is a different committee entirely

I know for a fact they are, Diane Keaton is on the Collector's Committee and has talked about this at length with a colleague of mine.