
let's pretend that never happened…

got it got it

It has its own following so you never know

I think you are getting your dates mixed up…
Collateral was '04 vice was '06 and it was after that when Foxx started to become a real asshole due to his new Oscar win… and started to tank his own career..

We as humans assign meaning to the grunts, sounds, etc…what's language to some is gibberish to another

Isn't all language gibberish?

He purposefully tanked a Michael Mann movie
And acted like an asshole for a long time after winning his Oscar…he kinda is reaping what he sewed

Remember when Foxx single handedly tanked a Michael Mann movie because he just won an Oscar? Yeah, now what's he do'n Shazaam? Is that a genie or something?

I litterally have an entire ebay store dedicated to dudes clothing items I have lifted post sexy times

Agreed if he did not have money he would have an equally dorky girl…
Sorry aziz's character is annoying and that makes him unattractive I would never date him…just say'n

What r u talking about its on the popular page

It has four out of five stars on Netflix if you haven't updated your system….
No yeah I am
Pretty sure people like it

When daffys went out of business I bought a lot of eames chairs and tables from their flagship store in NJ…kept several and sold the rest

Yeah I likes obviously so did some others as seen by the reviewer vs viewer grade

The movie is actually good not sure what was up this reviewer's butt…

The movie is excellent see user grade vs reviewer

He kept up the charade up out of fear…
Loss of new relationships and love which is exactly what happened…
He showed that he was not completely evil and a product of a abusive childhood this what I mean by gray area

I specifically came to the avclub to see if the reviewer was going to addresss Rami Malek speaking Spanish/playing a Latin character
Being Hispanic has nothing to do with ethnicity get that through your head it did not ever need to be brought up!!!
It's a movie, it is play acting!
Mother fucker could play an Italian

You obviously don't understand what gray area means

ding ding ding