
Something big let's say like 9/11? But, I digress it goes:
iGen, Gen Z or Centennials: Born 1996 and later.
Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995. ( I tend to disagree with this one believing more that the beginning of millennials kicked off with 1980)
Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976.
Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964.

Yeah pretty much so…

Just a note to the writers the Archie gang if is set in present time are not millennials as Kevin Keller refered to Archie as in the beginning of the episode as. Aaaaaaand Toni Morrison is a nasty 'ol lady who doesn't like talking to young people unless she is getting paid…I know from personal experience…shivers

accuser a (I forget both women's names) also withheld paperwork which held up production on several occasions. There are signed testamonials from other members of the crew who deny afflecks behavior was at anytime antagonist or sexually inappropriate. Accuser a quit because she felt uncomfortable on set accuser b

Being sued for sexual harassment hush money is completely different than what nate Parker did!

Thank you for posting this!!!

He bowed out himself…

Salva and affleck are not even in the same category!!!

Because someone at the avclub probably took the time to read all and I mean all the court documents like I did when I was all kinds of sick and saw how shady the two women involved in the lawsuit were…

More than once And gave her over half million $$$

Nate Parker's writing partner and former classmate was actually convicted spent time in jail. the rape conviction was overturned on a technicality…Nate was not convicted because they were tried separately and the victim would not testify again…they both then harassed the victim till she took her own life…Nate admits

He didn't even grope them if you have the time while in the bathroom read the court transcripts…

Also what Nate Parker and his writing partner did and continued to do is far from what Casey Affleck was accused of in the court of Twitter and sued for then settled out of court for an undisclosed sum is completely different (also I emplore anyone who has the time while pooping to read all the court documents from

I hope she has a good lawyer…since snl definitely went after Chelsea

The 2005 looks waaaay more filled than trumps inauguration…its already been stated that less people attended today than attended Richard nixons 2nd inauguration…sad just sad

Trump won because while nobody was looking small-town newspapers got closed down and your local politicians went mad with power (because who was paying attention)…voter ID laws were changed to target the poor…voting districts were moved around…representatives made it even harder to follow local politics by pulling

Uh dear William Hughes majority of the characters in attack on titan are european there shouldn't be any issues with casting…

Like limitless and braindead will be too good for this world…one season wonders
CBS is worse than FOX

Mary cherry 4vr

I see that too