
Nothing like stranger things…


I honestly thought that's what the movie was going to be…what a let down

Scarlet Johannsen is playing a robot!!! Not a Japanese anything! A robot with a soul…the creator of the character is happy with her casting let it go…Alex borstein is a comedian who does impressions…that is her job! If you don't like it don't watch (she's also a Hungarian Russian Jew for all you know she is Bukharan

Thank you!!!

Read the exchange Cho looks like an ass

The two original Jezebel articles explain the situation so much better (tilda's people actually emailed the communication directly to the journalist at the former gawker enterprise)

At the same time anyone who actually reads the comics knows the ancient one has been retconned almost going back 20 years now to be a title only held by a white well dressed old man and an invisible entity so this whole idea that the character is asian or needs to be Asian is an old nerd or racist

They have a mutual friend in common,alex borstein. This wasn't random at all.

This was first released through Jezebel owned by Univision in really surprised that you're redrencing vulture here?

Yes…the cgi in the prequels was overdone especially yoda there was no reason he was not a puppet…the phantom menace was almost 20 years ago at this point and has gone way beyond looking like a cut scene in a final fantasy game…but I'm with you practical effects are always the my go to…

I can't stress this enough but snoke was a puppet that was filmed then digitally altered…the cgi Peter Cushing looked off to so many people especially older adults because they know he is dead and therefore not real as the movie progressed your brain got used to it…look at still images of the character they are almost

Snoke is a puppet!!!!

Yeah there were crutches in this time period…why doesn't he have crutches? This is really bothering me!

Actually on a mac using an Instagram viewer you can…


I'm onto the second episode where the kids turn down adderal xr 30's which would never happen in real life…that bottle would have been gone by the end of the night who's writing this garbage?

Omg that last episode just killed me

The only Netflix show which had a complete garbage second half was like cage but you are not allowed to say that out loud…

I know! And how the last season directly related to this season of shield….also Haley's new show is garbage for garbage people…