
Have you never told a friend you love them? Not everything is sexual…stop ruining stranger things and frozen…just stop it

I'm kinda over the writers constantly benching speedy…

Because New York doesn't look like the 70's anymore and an open field in Ireland is just an open field

The same people who watch Mozart in the jungle love grace and Frankie…

Ethan suplee is delightful in this…just delightful

I feel that lots of critics missed the point that the movie was a self aware comedy


Don't speak his name…you never know who's listening

But she still blew up a city…

The story want railed on it was the look of film…

They should just kill off felicity already she's the worst and blew up an entire city

I keep saying this but the actors who portray iris and Barry individually are great but they have no chemistry and the love sublot is bringing the show down…I know they end up married in the comics but please god make it stop!

Draco Malfoy can suck it!

Dude has Johnny depp money he doesn't even need this…
Also he has a tv show coming up next year sooo lay off…

But haven't they brought current weaponry to the past?

the lack of Walkie talkies and tablets is really getting on my nerves

Brain dead was too good for this world…

What tha fuck happened to Montoya!?!!

I see blossom's brother is working again…

The effects have gotten better now that filming is in Canada with the rest of the team…