
Maybe it's a cultural thing…but kids younger than 6 running around naked is no big deal…

It sounds like you are opposed to being around kids in general than just this child…which is ok…children are gross, messy, and loud…and yes most girl are potty trained by 2 and boys by 3…

Again till kids hit puberty no harm no foul and then if their own homes just throw some underwear on 'em and call it a day…but what you are describing here is neglect and shame on you for not reporting it

Children should not be made to be ashamed of their bodies…that said no 4 year old girl should still be in a diaper…there was something wrong there

Butch is such a jealous boyfriend

It's called settling

It's amazing the show getting moved to Canada to save money makes it look more expensive

Where is this movie?

Thank you this episode was painful to watch

Because it seems to be a hidden game and unlocking those levels needs to be done in a certain sequence just like in video games

Since the space rangers series look it up

I'm just rooting for a giant
MRSA infection and for her arm to fall off in the streets…

There's no way they are throwing away that storyline…I've got a feeling we will be seeing her again before dd season 3

My cousin who is 16 years younger than me explained that they are powered in and out of their suits…

They gain their powers from the coins

He just did indies for years…cause
He's got Johnny depp money

But what does that have to do with the film exactly?

Stop using logic the Internet can't stand for it!

God I hope so!

Neither one of those were put out by Sabaan…I just checked the wiki to see if I was nuts and the producers called the vr troopers a cousin series