
I take it you have never worked in creative?

The behind the scenes pics which you can find online seem to be pointing at most of what you're seeing in western world is real

I can get with that…

I've got a strong feeling if this show continues past the first season we'll be seeing those parts

AHHHHHHHHH the hemsworth they keep in the attic

I'm hoping that once this series progresses we will see the other parts of the park…

The scene where he was being driven back to prison was filmed in Harlem along with a couple of walking/running shots but that seems about it…

I'll fly away!

I kinda love that Luke cage shoe horned the serpant society in there…it leaves the show open for
So many great villains…maybe we can even get the maggia in there too

The show was filmed in Williamsburg and greenpoint Brooklyn with very few exceptions…it was strangely distracting

Yes yes I do!

Not liking how Misty's arm was handled at all…but nice nod to Colleen wing in the end there

That's what I thought was going to happen since she didn't go to the hospital but she was using it without the sling what seemed like moments after getting out of the ambulance…the whole thing seemed pretty badly handled

I swear I heard it in an interview right after Seth left I guess I'm wrong…

Can we talk about Misty's arm for a
Moment what a stupid tease!

Killam became head writer after Seth left…it really was not working

And that's why Taran isn't with us anymore

I thought jay leaving was his own choice and killam's writing just wasn't hitting the marks it should have the last couple of years

I was under the impression jay pharaoh leaving was his own choice…

Weren't the already writers in the show for awhile along with one of them being on the maya and Marty show during the summer?