
I'm surprised by outlander I thought all the girls watched that show

A rediculous Marvel villain?

Her character is only 40 on the show…but seriously the actress who plays her is 45 and looks 50ish…there is nothing wrong with that but still it's a stretch

Every doctor I know does not practice what they preach…they are all insane

He was going to use the banana wrap on his penis in lieu of a condom…seriously where did you get rape from?

Uh why is AV Club cutting their reviews back? Isn't that what we come here for…I'm irrationally annoyed by this

Another period…casual…kingdom…

Yeah this episode just seemed to go in circles…

Wut thaaaa fuck avclub? On the serious with all these "this is the end of our coverage" so much bullshit

Oh Jeeze I think they threw kingdom under the bus too…I am not happy about this not happy at all

What who when?

I made direct eye contact with him…and immediately feared for my life

We need a new national treasure more than ever

Ugh they filmed the sitter in my old apartment building and it was the worst the wooooorst

Wait uh does this mean no more reviews or it's getting handed over? What's the deal?

More like what they did to casual

Yes it did…soooo good

I will never understand why people don't understand what not real means…get over it go back to your safe space under the stairs

We had to read boy in school and every single fellow student lost their shit from that book…it was just too much for our little 4th grade hearts

Go away