
If this story doesn’t just blow over, all Manning needs to do to quash it is sit down with a friendly reporter and tell his side of the story—the side where he was just just a cocky, jerkoff kid who didn’t understand the way the world really worked (hey, haven’t we all been there?) but through the years and the grace

Ray Lewis maybe murdered someone (or was an accessory to) and he works in TV. On top of that, Manning is white.

If you think he wont be broadcasting.......you dont get it......Ray Lewis obstructed a murder investigation and is on TV.....do you honestly tghink Manning will be kept out?


Tale as old as time, Aimée.

wow, I cannot imagine knowing about my FIL’s penis pump...but imagine our family might be closer if we could talk about stuff like that? have to admit I want to know how you know this.

That must have been a festive conversation.

She is my new hero. She’s holding a mirror to the absurdity of bills like SB4 and addressing gun violence and saying Fuck You in a very creative and non-combative way. I love this lady.

The 72 hour waiting period cannot include weekends, men really need to think about the risks of taking ED pills. No one’s trying to restrict access to Viagra, this is all about men’s health!

I don’t think you know what ‘passive aggressive’ means.

Yeah, but what’s that in galleons, sickles and knuts?

And he drunk-owls Hermione on every birthday and anniversary.

I hope it turns out that Ron and Hermione had a rough custody battle and now Ron lives in a shit neighborhood and has a drinking problem.

Seriously. I had a 30% chance of having a successful vaginal delivery. So I opted not to try at all, even though my OB said I could try labor if I wanted. It never occurred to me to ask my then-spouse’s opinion on how I should deliver the baby. Like, I’m doing all the work here, it is 100% my choice of how it gets

He probably already gets his face in that microbiome on a regular basis. He’s all set. You’re supposed to rub it on YOUR face.

yeah.. as someone who required the surgical removal of babybunnybunny three years ago, i begged the supervising OB to do this. he balked of course.

little did they know, i just didn’t bathe the kid for three months. boom!

I’m sorry but FUCK YO DAD!!!

It’s small but it’s designed as a proof-of-principle or pilot study, not a large scale epidemiological one. Basically you run a small study to see if your hypothesis holds water and then scale up if it does (like experimenting on animals or ex vivo before doing a human study).

18 seems like a really, really small sample size.

Most American men are just unwilling to unpack their own racial bias when it comes to dating.