
Well, I'm not getting shafted but a family member possibly is (I have been telling him for years to get rid of his bank, so your statement jibes with my opinion of them.) He's not in California/not a good listener but I appreciate hearing what not being screwed by a bank looks like, and will pass it along. Hopefully

I would not trust an offer sheet to tell the whole story. You also have to rent the credit card machine and sign on with a bank to process it. If you google "american express merchant fees," one of the top hits is a complaint about 5% fees, and then another, older one about 4%. If you're a mom and pop and want to

Some states require servers to make minimum wage as their base pay. Servers in popular fine dining establishments can net 60k a year working less than full time in these states.

Nope. That fee is taken out by the bank, and applies to the whole tab. The employer would have to make it up out of his or her own profit. It's way easier to be a lazy consumer and blame those greedy businesses, but this is really a banking issue. Get mad at the greedy banks, not the mom & pops who can't afford to eat

it could be a regional thing, too. I just asked a family member who owns a fine dining restaurant about it, and he acted like I was odd for even asking, "everyone does it and good restaurant has that policy up front" and so on. He says a few places will take a straight percentage for the house regardless of payment

I've been in the business. I'm speaking from my experiences.

it isn't a restaurant doing this, it's most restaurants. When you pay with a credit card, a bank takes 2% or more. I am used to 3% but use an AmEx if you really want to screw someone (6%, I think and the money takes forever to cross over). So either the restaurant has to anticipate this and raise costs accordingly

First, it's not like anyone should believe anything they read in the Oregonian. It is pretty much a tabloid at this point. Second, the baby was born in an apartment, which is exactly the sort of situation this law encourages.

Actually, in California, many female inmates have been coerced into sterilization. It took awhile for people to start giving any fucks:

Zofran. The meltaways are my favorite because you can't throw them up.

My four year old asked Santa for the following:
A knife
A kitten
A box of matches