Everyone has a right to an opinion, but this does not change your employment status for those who are full time.
Everyone has a right to an opinion, but this does not change your employment status for those who are full time.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a success because it isn’t funny. The film contains funny moments: Batman…
It’s worth pointing out that Vanguard has in no way failed. It’s not outselling Yu-Gi-Oh, but it’s been doing extremely well for nearly 4 years now, worldwide.
And all the hipsters are going to buy it up thinking “Marvel gets it!” while pumping money into one of the largest corporate entities in the world.
Hey man, it’s not right to make generalized statements about the moral character of ANY group, rich, poor, white hispanic whatever! A group being an accepted punching bag doesn’t actually change that fact.
And yet, in the marvel world comic book evil is so common in corporate America, that business executives play golf with supervillains, while the super villains are in costume.
Uh, no sorry this isn’t really fun. I’m sorry but, this is a really weird caralicature that makes some rather unfair generalizations about an economic demographic.
Ah yes, good ol’ Shippoyasha, the tireless defender and advocate of fan service and sexually lurid Japanese content everywhere. You are always present, every single time there’s a discussion on the latest underage panty disaster or whenever some Japanese game goes completely overboard one way or another.
Ok, I’m going to lay it straight for you real fast.
I want desperately to like this game as much as everyone says it is. I have several friends who have given it glowing reviews. One said “it’s the best game I’ve ever played in my life and even made me cry”.
Actually, it did work in Man of Steel. Just maybe not for you.