
This game will be oh soooooo much better when they fix the clunky and awkward controls. Also, having to jam the #2 key 8 times to bring up a weapon is a bummer.

The music sounds like Power Glove or Lazerhawk.

The fact that you took the time to type out such a lengthy response is reward enough for me. Thanks for allowing me to complete the troll.

Nope. You are. Jamaicanmecrazy is also a phrase people say to be offensive. So, that makes you racist.

So it's not ok for me to have my e-penis out, but it is okay for you to have an incredibly racist user name on Kotaku?

Hey, I agree with you there. I love playing classic FMV games like Harvester, Spycraft, Ripper. They all play in 640x480 res or lower using dosbox. I was more referring to HD games like Skyrim, Assassins Creed IV, GTA IV/V. Anyone playing those in 640x480 or smaller would indeed rage.

So you wouldn't mind if your console games played at 640x480 resolution? Yeah I think you'd rage pretty hard. :)

That sounds terrible.

Yep. You know a game sucks when it's left up to the community to patch it.

The reason the original PC port sucked so badly was for the lack of mouse support, not the dated graphics.

I never said there was anything wrong with having fun. It just helps to clarify when you report gaming news.

Yeah this is all good and fine. Except you forget to mention this is done on a normal server. Try this on a hardcore one and you'll find yourself getting kicked for team killing.

You can get into about 95% of the apartments. Naturally, most of them look the same and you very rarely find anything in there, but yes you can.

Quad-core is so 2013. Octa-core for 2014 definitely.

I swear I am the only one who enjoyed the Hush and Return of Jason Todd storylines from before this new junk. Not to mention Gail Simone's long but fantastic run on the Secret Six I mean the list is pretty much endless.

This new 52 crap is ridiculous. Go back to pre-new 52 and post final crisis after Bats returns. This feels more like really shady elseworld stuff.

They should release this for a budget price of $14.99 since Colonial Marines was such a fiasco.

At that exact moment, over 3 million xbone fanboys' heads just exploded with rage.

At least he didn't rape the kid.