Draz J Ekiel

It is in theory yes, but it wasn't until recently that some channels/networks etc bothered with online streaming viewing etc.. They still only counted the views gathered from viewings when the show aired, not whether it recorded or watched later, or streamed on another device, nor if it was watched at a different time

Ratings are not exactly accurate in this day and age..(If they ever were that accurate) There has always been people who thought Neilson ratings were not really worth listening to, pretty much ever since people found out how they worked.
In this day and age where many more people stream online, or watch shows that

When I heard there was going to be a death of one of the regular characters in the episode I was really worried it was going to be Wu(as hes new to the gang so to speak, I figured it would be just his luck to get offed), then when Rosalee said to Monroe "come back "(or whatever) I thought "Oh no. god not monroe!" ,