Absolutely - and I guess that's my point. Personally I find that on some level all his films are ultimately about himself, despite how they present themselves as attempts to understand others.
Absolutely - and I guess that's my point. Personally I find that on some level all his films are ultimately about himself, despite how they present themselves as attempts to understand others.
Perhaps my words were poorly chosen.
Shame that this worthwhile subject was not covered properly, but I'm glad to hear this review articulate the uncomfortable solipsism in Theroux's work. I have always found this an issue in everything that he produces.
'Why did Mulder become a believer?'
Jenny did it!
Just dropping in to confirm, this paragraph:
'After a strong guest appearance and his introduction as Reggie's replacement, Comedy Bang! Bang! floundered with Kid Cudi’s role on the show…'
Ah, yes. Sorry.
This really is the best show on television right now. Parham and St Clair are hilarious, the world of characters they've built are a joy to watch, and the dialogue is snappy and organic. I could watch this thing on a loop.
While I appreciate your sentiment, and I can see the benefit of the doubt that you are attempting to extend to Wayans comes from a place of pity, I don't think it is applicable here.
Lindeloff makes me sad, because he seems really caught up on the wrong lesson from what was clearly an unpleasant creative experience.
Someone else already referenced that article, but I think you might want to give it a re-read before citing it as evidence of anything.
Finally! Someone brave enough to anonymously spew contrarian nonsense and storm off in a juvenile snit!
The article does say that, but it's also one of the most shamelessly biased, presumptive and smug hit pieces I've ever read of Stewart. And considering the amount of conservatives who've tried to go him over the years, that's quite extraordinary.
Indeed. But it was pretty hard to miss.
Oh good. The lazy Jesus imagery is up and running again. Didn't get enough of that last time.
Please not Rebel Wilson.
Serious question: