
Except Donald Trump loaned most of the money he has given to the Donald Trump campaign. Which means he expects it to be paid back.

Listen, I know 500 people...Ok? No one knows 500 people better than me, and they’re unbelievable. They’re the greatest 500 people of all time. Senator Clinton couldn’t name 500 people and it’s a disaster, one of the worst naming of 500 people ever and she can’t name them...it’s unbelievable. You ask Senator Clinton

He never said that. If you don’t believe me, then just ask Sean Hannity. Call Sean Hannity and ask him if Trump was going to self-fund. Listen to me, Sean Hannity will totally tell you Trump never said that. Sean Hannity always tells the truth, and I don’t mean that in a braggadocious way. Biggly.

just like all the other things he’s recorded as saying, he never said that.

“I never said that.” - Trump

Same guy who tripled the rent for his campaign office in Trump tower the moment the money started coming from donations, despite no increase in staff size.

The only thing he gave his campaign was a bunch of loans so he could run his campaign without donors in the early days

Never said that. You won’t find a quote. There is no quote.

It’s true.