
Not to discount your reporting, Tim, but something seems off about this story. I don’t know, I’m just not buying it.

At my last family get together, the token drunk uncle said he hates Muslims because they don't take care of their lawns. All 1 billion of them....

At least you get the president referred to by his name. Half the shit I see talks about some guy named ‘Barry’ who runs the ‘Democrat’ party.

Now, THIS is a type of message you save the comic sans font for!

The Lakers are doing a good job of shedding the bandwagoneers, which the Warriors have picked up. They should suck for another 5 years, which should make hating them less enjoyable. The Cowboys on the other hand still manage to be semi-competitive, so watching them lose is still fun.

I root for the not-Yankees, not-Lakers, and not-Cowboys almost as passionately as I root for the Lions, Tigers, and Red Wings (sorry I can't be bothered to care about the NBA any more). So I appreciate this comment more than most.

Duke made it to the Sweet 16, they’ll pull through.

This has gotta be tough for Yankees fans. I mean, first the Cowboys and Lakers, now this?

“I’m Bill Simmons, and here is what I believe!”

NBC’s hyper-jingoism and constant “US as the underdog” coverage (even though we are the favorite in 70% of the events) makes me actively root against the US in every event.

The popularity of swimming during the Olympics is one of the most puzzling things to me. I mean, it’s ok because racing is cool, but compared to running, horse racing, cycling, or even auto-racing, it’s not terribly interesting to look at. And with the competitors so physically and visually isolated from one another,

Don’t fault the Earthquakes mascot. He’s destined to level everything west of I-5.

no joke this type of transparency is part of what makes our country the shit. it’s a lot harder to get away with corruption when you have the media poring over your fucking grocery store bill. Doubtful we know what the fuck Nick Maduro buys at his Venzeuelan equivalent of Wegmans.

How about the kid he kneed in the face?

I guess “taking the year off to prepare” doesn’t do anything for one’s form. Derp.


I’m trying to be the most generous reader I can be, but I still don’t really understand what’s happening here.

Bruce Buschel writes for a variety of sites, platforms, and publications. He watches television in New York City, but never the Yankees. No Twitter, Tumblr, or Tinder.

I think this is like the Mystery Science Theater 3000 segment where they all dresed like Andy Rooney and did a Rooney-Off. Except in this case instead of Andy Rooney it’s Gregggg Easterbrook.